Thursday, July 23, 2009

Ghost cat and the sweet-ass dress

At long last, this dress is home. I bought it at an estate sale (for a mere $7) back in May. Took it to the cleaners, the cleaners went out of business before I could pick it up, finally after another month, said cleaners told it's former customers where to find out missing clothes.

So hooray, here is this super cute dress! Where the hell am I going to wear it? Perhaps to play croquet, or maybe a bit of tennis in 1922?

Alec is my ghost cat, he loves a'rubbin on some ankles. Especially if those ankles are encased in anything black.


  1. Adorable!~ And wear it wherever the heck you want to, girl. Wear it to the grocery store. I would.

    And ghost cat is all kinds of awesome to be honest!

  2. okay, so wait...they went out of business and didn't tell you where to get your clothes?!?! Assholes!
