Monday, September 14, 2009


Sweet mother of Jesus why am I so obsessed with finding denim leggings? They seem a bit elusive, so I am probably just enjoying the challenge.

I ordered this pair from eBay:

They are from Australia, and therefore have Australian sizing, which meant I had to order a 14. So I get them in and they are STILL TOO SMALL. So back on eBay they will go.

Then I see that Urban Outfitters has all their denim on sale for $39.99, and therefore order these:

I can hardly sqeeze them over my ANKLES, let alone my ass. Sigh.
So it's back to the drawing board. I'm going to try my luck at (ick) Wet Seal.

Maybe this is God's way of saying "Erin, you do not belong in denim leggings."

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