Tuesday, August 4, 2009

To prove I'm not afraid...

I'm not afraid to post unflattering/goofy-lookin'* photos of myself in the name of fashion. And blogging. And flogging, which is what I'm going to call Fashion Blogging.

This weekend there was a lot going on! I splurged and bought three new wide belts at JC Penny (on sale, mind you) to go with some vintage dresses I picked up at an estate sale last week. Remember only two weeks ago when I blogged about how wide belts are a complete no-no for me? Well, I have done a total 180 as you can see.

Dress: Vintage from estate sale

Boots: Vintage via eBay

Belt: JC Penny

Necklaces: Grandma, Box Turtle

Dog: Jacksonville Animal Shelter

There is also a lovely cropped, short sleeve jacket to go with this dress. It's trimmed in white. I wore it last night with a red tank and denim skirt, but failed to take any photos.

When rocking out to Guns 'n' Roses in my wood paneled den I like to wear:

Top: I heart Ronson (JC Penny)

Jeans: Gap from like 24 years ago. (Yes, I was two when I bought my first Gap jeans) (*editors note* Apparently I can't do math either, because two plus twenty-four equals 26, and I am 27, almost 28.)

Belt: Forever 21

Shoes: Gap

I swear I really don't get that much stuff from JC Penny. But whatever, apparently JCP really did have the "style of your life" in my this weekend. Or wait, is that Dillard's?

*Apparently over the weekend I also developed some sort of syndrome that caused me to make completely moronic faces in every photograph. I hope you at least had a good laugh, because I sure did.


  1. Rachel Ward aka your fave person ever infinityAugust 5, 2009 at 5:55 PM

    The second look is good. And BTW I like the idea of no new stuff. I was at the mall earlier this year and I hadn't been to a mall in quite a while and it was weird because I had this overwhelming feeling of just "why?". Why buy any of this stuff? It's all stuff I could find at the thrift store or something and then better stuff, too.

  2. I like the dress, but I don't like the belt with the shirt and jeans. It makes you look like all boobs or boobtastic as I prefer. :) Can I just say that I love this blog, btw.

  3. Okay, and I just realized that it posts my name as Ms. Mourning and links you to a history blog that I set up one day to learn how to use it in a tech training. I never used it because I picked a different blogger site for my classes. I don't how to change my name though. Ah well, I felt like I should at least explain...
