Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Workin' and wearin'

My second job is as a hostess three nights a week. Dressing for this can sometimes be tough, as I want to look nice because it's a kind of nicer casual restaurant. But also, I am on my feet constantly for over 2 hours, and I often get nasty dishwater and leftover food all over myself when busing tables. So that means comfy shoes and a hearty top.

This is pretty much my standard second job work uniform for cooler weather. Plaid shirt, tank top, jeans...
I'm pretty happy with it though, especially because I own a small arson of vintage plaid shirts.

What do you guys think of this knotted up shirt business? I've done it once before here, and I kinda dig it as a change of pace!

Plaid top: Goodwill
Tank top: American apparel
Jeans: Banana Republic
Shoes: Tsubo via eBay
Razor blade necklace: CBTs closet on etsy

PS- I kind of hate these sneakers and this photo is probably the last time I will wear them, as I think they are going back on eBay! I can't really explain it ... I just don't like 'em. Plus I have plenty of other sneakers I like way better. Like these.

1 comment:

  1. I think you look nice, actually. I thought that immediately upon scrolling down to this post. And slim and put together. And I like the tied up shirt business, too...
